
This section includes materials related to our Dialogue Session on the Future of Habitat Conservation Planning and will inform you of our efforts and may be helpful in yours.


Report on the Future of Habitat Conservation Planning

Authors: CCG, CLEANR

Published: Winter 2016


Over the past several years, CCG and the UCI Law Center for Land, Environment and Natural Resources (CLEANR) has convened seven dialogue session on the Future of Habitat Conservation Planning (from 20-40 participants each), in Irvine and Sacramento, California and Washington, D.C.  The fourth session was hosted by the President’s Council on Environmental Quality in the White House and the last three, including a session on June 13, 2018, are being co-hosted by the Environmental Law Institute (ELI) in Washington, D.C..  These final three sessions have focused on collaboration and the funding/financing of advance conservation/mitigation in anticipation of infrastructure and other development.   

There are two principles, among others, that have emerged:

  • First, advance landscape-level wildlife habitat conservation/mitigation in anticipation of infrastructure and other development makes good economic sense; and, 
  • Second, as the result of Information Technology, including GIS, our focus is becoming more systemic AND the walls of our “silo-like” public and private sector institutions and systems are coming down (national/state/local/public/private) — facilitating and requiring that we learn to better collaborate

Additional attachments:

The Report prepare by CCG on the Dialogue Session convened on this topic on January, 2018 at ELI in Washington, D.C.

The Draft Outline, prepared by CCG, for the Dialogue Session to be convened on June 15, 2018 in Washington, D.C.  This Draft Outline will be updated and provide to participants on Friday, June 8, 2018 (advance comments and suggestions will be welcomed.