our efforts


Dialogue on the Future of Wildlife Habitat Conservation

Over the past more than three years, CCG has collaborated with the Center for Land, Environment and Natural Resources (CLEANR) at University of California, Irvine School of Law, the Environmental Law Institute and the President’s Council on Environmental Quality in convening a series of five dialogue sessions on the Future of Habitat Conservation in anticipation of infrastructure and other development, with participation by more than 150 key representatives of interested federal and state agencies, public and private “stakeholders,” and academic researchers.  

Attached is the Report prepared based on the first four sessions convened, interviews, contributions and related research.  Included in the Report is a list of those participating in these sessions.  A fifth session was convened in May, 2017 and a sixth session in January, 2018, focused on several sub-topics (funding multiple agency interest participation in habitat conservation planning and efforts).  Copies of the reports on these sessions are available on our Resources page.  It is anticipated that a further session may be convened, focused on private/public investment in conserved habitat that may then be reimbursed from development mitigation fees and that a book or major report will be published.


Dialogue on the Relationship of Art, Craft and Information Technology

As described above, CCG is exploring a dialogue on this relationship.  This relationship important because IT is a narrow way of thinking and communicating, while art and craft engage other neural pathways and senses.  In turn, we anticipate that this dialogue will inform our dialogues generally.


Dialogues focused on Case Studies and Models

CCG would welcome the opportunity to act as the convener of potentially significant case studies and models in the furtherance and implementation of the concept of Collaborative Planning.  Please contact us